The Opposite of Talking
What happens when your certainty that environmental regulations destroy jobs meets my certainty that environmental degradation destroys us a

Better than Revenge: The Ancient Greeks’ Revolutionary Discovery
Aeschylus exposes a truth we can recognize in the 21st century: the false equation of revenge with justice devastates individuals and famili

The Truth about Lying
Truth must be objectively verifiable. The Odyssey persistently reminds us that the distinction between “true” and “false” matters and that r

A Republic, If You Can Keep It
In 1787, Benjamin Franklin claimed to have devised “A Republic, if you can keep it,” Euripides reminds us that to do so, we must strive to l

Rejecting Tyranny
The opposite of autocracy isn’t necessarily democracy but very likely chaos, rapacity, and misery. Ancient Greek myths expose the tyrannical

Our modern challenges aren’t new and neither are the tools we have for meeting them.
I’m writing this blog for people who may never have thought about the essential relevance of ancient Greek literature to their own lives....